We are living proof that there's absolutely no reason Christians should wait -- at all -- before doing great things for the kingdom of God.
What's stopping you from doing something great for God today?
No matter what it is: decisions, relationships, school, clothing -- the Bible says we must put God first. He's more important than everything else -- it's as simple as that. This is not to downgrade anything else; other things can be important too. Just remember that God is above all.
Regardless of background, ethnicity, gender, status, or religion, we believe that everyone should be treated with love and equality. We all sin, and people shouldn't be treated as less just because their sin might be more apparent than others. Hate the sin, not the sinner.
Jesus Himself calls us to make disciples by spreading the Gospel, in other words, "planting the seed." There's no reason to wait any longer. We are all sinners who fall short from His glory, and it's our duty to tell people about the key to salvation in every way we can, so they can have an eternity in heaven with Christ.
Queens For the Cross
We are an organization of young, Christian women, called Queens For the Cross, who strive to break the cultural standard and make a difference in our community by spreading the Word of God before we reach adulthood. Support us by subscribing to our weekly newsletter -- The Scribblers -- or join us in our missions today!